Sunday, February 25, 2007

Muslims' maths mastery

"Quasicrystalline patterns comprise a set of interlocking units whose pattern never repeats, even when extended infinitely in all directions, and possess perfect 10-sided symmetry."

If case you didn't read the saturday papers, Feb 24th, 2007, new revelations found that Islamic architecture indicate their designers achieved a mathematical breakthrough 500 years earlier than Western scholars.

By the 15th century, decorative tile patterns on these masterpieces of Islamic architecture had reached such complexity that a small number boasted what seem to be "quasicrystalline" designs.
- Harvard University, Mr Peter Lau & Princeton University, Professor Paul Steinhardt wrote in the journal Science

During this time, Europe was mired in the Dark Ages. Whilst Islam culture flourisehd in mathematics, medicine, engineering, ceramics, art, textiles, architecture and other areas.

Thought tis is an interesting piece of information to share... :)


Sunday, February 18, 2007

Enjet-enjet semut

This is quite a hilarious animation which somehow sums up us Melayu.
summarised offence intended to anybody
then again am i qualified as a true blue 100% melayu?
dah lah mak cina... mata sepet... teringat cerita sepet...
now on channel suria nenek berbual hokkien dan cantonese, melayu half past six...
like my baby :) enjoy imitating my grandma:
manyak manyak...buat baby manyak manyak...
sorry mom in case you're reading this

my big sis once said we are manis...go figure
ma - part malay
- part chinese

so that makes me 'sweet'
which is 'manis' in malay
dah lah manis ... manja pulak tu...
heheheheh...minah/ah lian tak sedar diri :P

I would like to wish / saya nak ucapkan / wor yao chiang
to all you chinese new year celebrating people...
have a prosperous and healthy new year...
gong xi gong xi gong xi ni ah
gong xi gong xi gong xi ni
oink oink

Monday, February 05, 2007

Graniph - T-shirt Design Contest

Hey guys! Go check this out...
First prize is USD9000.
Second is USD900.
And unlimited bronze prize of USD90...
Hopefully everyone is a winner! :)
Good luck to you all who'll be participating.
My best wishes to you!!!!! :)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sell yr art

To all you artist, creatives, man/woman on the street
here's an opportunity for you to sell yr work at the red dot museum.
go check it out!