Sunday, July 22, 2007

finding felicia

it was just a note pasted on the lamp post.
one glance and you'd think that it's just another
one of those "need a tutor?" ad, black and white
with a phone number attached... i chanced upon it while
waiting for a bus in front of Tangs shopping centre.
looking closer, it was a poster of a missing person.
felicia. felicia teo wei ling. nice pictures.
hardly a poster for a missin person. nicely sealed in plastic
to protect from the weather...rain or served it's purpose.

curious, i read on. Felicia aka Gaia has been missing
since 30th June 2007. a student of La Salle.
Pretty young chinese gal who can speak fluent malay.
there's a blog site on the poster...
if you haven't read about a search for a missing person in the newspapers, one look at the poster and you'd think it's a guerilla ad to promote some cool band. you know some cool underground scene... something cool that might enticed you to go to the blog site. i was enticed!

so go to the site. read more about her. if you do know about this gal or her whereabouts do let her family know. cos they miss her and want her to go back home.

to Gaia
if you're reading go home.
if you have a problem, there are solutions.
you can't run away from your problems forever.

to her captives
do let her go... she has family and friends who are concerned about her.

to Gaia's family
i'll pray for her return home. safe and unharm.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

she's been missing around the mountain...

sorry for the disappearance...
have been on the mountain for too long wink* wink* :)
missed the turn. got on the wrong bumboat.
'bertapaing' hehehehe... at work.
been really busy. working on a branding project
for a new hotel in dubai.
the principles of know luxury not show luxury.
and their unique selling point of converging spaces.
a total chaos. this project. but good organised chaos.
which has really consumed so much of my energy
and spirit for the past few months.
Late nites till the wee hours of the morning.
and sometimes till the cleaners come in to work.

But it's quieter now. Things have simmered down.
time managed properly. hopefully not as much late nites
in the future...

plus ghoose has been hogging the computer :P

We started off this month with The Bowling Tournament
I would like to thank the organisers for making this happened.
And to my fellow bowlers, thank you for being there.
There will be no bowling without you guys.
Even with the lowest score, it was a stellar nite...
memories of the unique bowling styles will be remembered
for a long time (till the next tournament!).
We should have this more often! Spectacular performances!

By the way, what is a W.A.G.S?
You mean i'm not part of the Klan but a WAGS?
After all this years?! Late nites at the kedai kopi?
You mean free goreng pisang and teh tariks were not
part of the initiation???!!!!!
oh that is so disappointing.... sedih saya... tak masuk book.
tapi tak pe. WAGS pun WAGS jugaklah nampak nye.
Once a WAGS always a WAGS :(