Thursday, February 28, 2008

don't believe everyting you read...

don't turn the page yet
don't scroll to the last line
don't hit that button

Thursday, February 07, 2008

happy cina new year.... welcome the year of the mouse?

:) it's the year of the rat... gong xi gong xi

say ohh lala like

It's February

Aight! Can you believe how fast the days have gone by? kejam celik. kejam celik dah februari.
just realised that i'd never actually talked about my resolution for this year... never quite hear anybody actually mention it. prob bcos we were out of the country, for 2 weeks b4 new year... but then again, i don't think we've ever ever never talked abt resolution.

so wats your new year resoultion? for the soul?? wat are yr aspirations? desires? what do u aim to achieve this year? what are yr goals?

ohh ahhh there's so much that i wanna do this year. join a painting class. sketching class. 3d multimedia class. arabic. go gym. improve my health. spend more time with families. do more charity work. don't worry be happy. insya'Allah.


Je me sens un peu solitaire aujourd'hui.
Mais je n'ai jamais été seule

Avez-vous eu ce sentiment?
Dans une salle bondée.

Toucher, mais pas tout à fait émouvant.
Out of touch.

Sensation. Mais pas tout à fait sensation.

Je me sentais un peu solitaire aujourd'hui.

I felt a bit lonely today
but I never was alone

Have you had this feeling before?
In a crowded room.

Touching, but not quite touching.
Out of touch.

Feeling. But not quite feeling.

I felt a bit lonely today.

It's funny how the translation tool don't quite translate your english properly...
Try it... try the google translator